Aug 11, 2012

This day...........

It actually felt just a bit cooler when I opened the door this morning to let my Dog out. Hot air usually hits me right in the face,not so this morning.Could it be that we may start to see some cooler days arriving....I do hope so. No plans for my weekend,other than church tomorrow. I don't mind staying home on Saturday.....maybe I will get a few things done today. Hope your weekend is blessed,whatever you are doing...enjoy and have fun.
This day will never come again. Do all things as unto the Lord...when we keep this attitude...all things are so much more enjoyable and good! Even washing dishes and sweeping floors are a pleasure when we do it for Christ.

My little kitchen window...through the years................

At this time I had an old window frame prompt up in the window with these cute gel cardinals stuck to it...those stayed there until they lost most of their color. I really enjoyed them :)

Again :)

Most recent.


Pendleton Primitives said...

I think we have the same agenda Shelly. I enjoyed your photos. Stay active and cool!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shelley,
Just a note to say I am still praying for you to heal a little every day! Have a Blessed Sunday!