I think many of you know how much I am inspired by the Amish.
And, I truly believe that...........
I also have a strong faith in praying to the Almighty...I know he hears and answers my every prayer,but my desire is that his will be done!
I have even been accused of being .....
Which is fine by me.....I can see why some people might think so :)
Its even pretty obvious in some of my home decor, that I like the Amish way :)
I live pretty much................
I even choose to live simply when it comes to serving Christ.

in whatever it is I do in life.....doing all things as unto Christ....he is our blessed HOPE.
You might know these things about me,but did you know we have Amish among us here in .......
Yep...right here in Texas, Beeville ,Texas, that is!
Although their life situation is a bit different from their northern brothers and sisters...I am sure they have the same sweet soulful spirit though.
Texas has a wide open sky down south,but the ground isn't as fruitful as most. There is less farming done here,more working with the hands, making horse buggies and such is how they make their living. They aren't as financially well off as their northern cousins either, but I reckon they are great at making do.
The Lord will supply,for sure and for certain!
Its just a small community ,but we do have Amish in Texas,and I wouldn't mind getting to know some of them if ever given the opportunity.
You can read more about the Beeville Amish here. All the pictures came from this same site as well.
I purchased an honest to goodness Amish hat from the Trading Post man here in our little town. Making it a part of my collection of Amish things. If I ever had a spare bedroom...I would love decorating it completely Amish.
I pray you have a very blessed Lord's day Sunday.....
Hi Shelley -
I too am greatly inspired by the Amish and their way of life and serving God. I learned something - I did not know there was an Amish community in Texas. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a blessed Sabbath!
Sweet post! Blessings upon you!
Lily, WA, USA
Loved your post. The Amish , are amazing people. I love their simplicity too. Have a blessed Sunday.
I never knew that about Texas--thanks for sharing. The Amish hat is wonderful!
I would never have thought there were Amish in Texas. You learn something new every day!
Hi Shelley! So nice that you stopped by my place. My paper wreath fits in with a simple lifestyle I think. So glad you like it. Love your new hat!
Shelley, the longer I live the more I realize that simple is better. I admire your simple lifestyle. We have lots of Amish in Missouri. Have a nice week! Twyla
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