This clown is coming to one of your homes soon. |
Its been raining lightly off and on for most of the day,and I have been sung in my little mobile cottage puttering. One of those days when you seem to have been busy for most of the day,but when you stop and look around, its hard to see that you have made much of an accomplishment. That's what happens when you are mostly just going through things,moving this and that around...sorting through drawers and such. I do have a bag of things ready to be taken to the charity shop, so that's a good thing, I reckon! I packed a box of other things to put away. I do that from time to time...pack some things and bring out others. I still feel as if I am cluttered, and I have gotten rid of so much over the last year or two. All I can say is... I am still on a weeding spree! Truthfully, it may never end. I may just keep a practice of gathering up a box or two of stuff about once a month for the charity shop from now until kingdom to speak :)
Remember these lanterns I just hung recently? Well, I took them down today.
I just decided they were a bit to festive for everyday. I kept them though, maybe for some fun occasion :)
If I could have you girls come here for a day,there is so much I could give you to take back home with you.
As I was going through some things today...I kept thinking...I know she would love this, wish I could put in the mail for her. Then I came across something else and thought....and you know who would really love this...wish she didn't live so far away. If I had enough extra money I believe I could find something to box up for each and everyone of you. By the way...I really talk to myself too when I am puttering around here :)
I do that alot since I live alone now.
I haven't forgotten I mentioned there will be a give away coming up here on my blog. I certainly have one in my plans, just not quite sure how soon it will be! I have had a mind to send someone that clown in the first picture for a while now, so got to get him shipped off first. First things first, right?

Trying to catch up on some letter writing too. I also started a new crochet project today. A Prayer Blanket for a very special wee one on the way. No, I have no more grandchildren expected anytime soon :) ,but a sweet friend is expecting a precious baby added to her family soon. I am very happy for her and her husband. Hope your week has started off wonderfully. Blessings to all of you, Shelley
Thanks for the nice little glimpse into your life. :)
Oh I think I might know who that yo yo doll is going too! Eeeks! ;)
I know what you mean about wishing you had the money to send people stuff. I feel that way about my garlands. I wish I could make one for all my blogging friends but they do cost money to make.
The Lord knows our hearts and He can give to people through us in other ways.
I've often thought how fun it would be to be able to have flowers delivered to friends, too! Wouldn't that be something?
I've only had flowers delivered *to me* twice and one of those times,they were from a woman I had never met! She had heard through the grape vine that I was going through a hard time so she sent me flowers. Isn't that amazing? I was so blessed!
Have a wonderful day, Shelley! Oh, and I *don't* live alone but I talk to myself, too! Probably because my guys are quiet!
That was a delightful visit! I talk to myself and tell the hubby it is because I want the answer I want!
I have been trying to clear junk and clutter out of the master bedroom at our house because we may need to have workers in to repair a window sill problem. It will be embarrassing if I can't get it more cleared out in there.
It does seem like I keep moving things from one place to another and back again as I sort and bag up to get rid of stuff. I don't know what I was thinking letting so much stuff accumulate. Well, yes, I do know what I was thinking, "I'll get around to it sometime."
I talk to myself, too. Fuzzy always thinks I'm talking to him whether I am or not.
Sounds like you've been busy in your home. I know how you feel about the stuff. No matter how much I weed or pack away there is always something to deal with. How nice that you have those to actually write to. Letter writing has almost become a lost art. I used to write cards and letters to people but now it's just not as appreciated. Every one has gone high tech it seems, with e-mail and smart phones. Hope you're doing well and enjoying the change of season. Even with the cloudy days, I'm loving it.
Hi Shelley...this post was pure delight! I chuckled out loud as I read it. Like Holly commented: He knows your heart (and we do a bit too) and each one of your blog posts is a blessing to us. A dear gift straight from your heart.
Now speaking of mailing things...would you check your email as soon as you can. I sent you a question!
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