Our church is still in Revival.....I received a mighty touch from the Lord tonight, and I must say, God is real, I believe Jesus could very well be coming soon to catch away his Bride, the Church, 1 Thessalonians 4:17. I know most of you know of my faith in Christ, I have never held back on my believing in him as my Lord and Savior, and never would for any reason. My relationship with Christ is the very most important thing in my life. God comes first always. While , I have shared my Christianity from the start of this blog, I have never share the depth of it, as to the doctrine of my belief and such. I feel I need to at this time, and I am trusting God on this! He knows why! I am Pentecostal, and have been for more than 30 years now. I am Holy Ghost filled , with the evidence of speaking in tongues, just as it happened in Acts chapter 2. I believe in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit , as mention in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. I believe in the laying on of hands, divine healing, and all gifts mentioned in that chapter. Do I believe you must speak in tongues to be saved? No ..you do not have to in order to be saved....all one must do is repent of sin and call on the name of the Lord Jesus, believing him to be God's only begotten son, accepting his sacrifice on the cross as a covering for your sin, in doing so ..you receive your salvation , Act 2:21. John 3:16 ...For whosoever believes shall be saved. The bible teaches that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost is a gift, available to any saved person.
I am not trying to indoctrinate anyone with this post. I am only sharing my faith with you my friends. I know many of you are Christians as well. I consider any one of you...who claims Jesus as your Savior , my sister in Christ, no matter the doctrine you follow! There will be no Pentecostals, Baptist, Catholics , etc in heaven...only the redeemed of the Lord! If Christianity is not your belief...I still consider you my friend, but my prayer for you is that some day you too will come to have a relationship with Jesus, and become his follower. You are all my faithful friends...you have blessed me in so many ways through this blog , and now you all know a little bit more about me....blessings

Beautifully said. I feel it is an honor to be a Sister in Christ with you Shelley.
If there is a God then why is there so much evil in the world. Why are there so many mean people on the blogs. Why is there no forgiveness from one person to another. Why do people lie. Why doesn't anything ever change for the better. Why are there wars......If There is a God then why doesn't he help our world.
Thank you. I am of the same faith, though not the same denomination. :)
My dear Anonymous, While I cannot answer all the questions who asked..I can truthfully say that God in all his righteousness is even now working to bring about a new world,Revelation 21:1, where none of those things you mentioned will be apart of..where Jesus will rule and reign forever as King of all Kings..no sin...no sorrow..no pain..no death...no evil...no evil one (Satan). Satan is the ruler of this present world as we know it....sin entered...through him and because man yeilded to sin...our lives and our world ..all creation was corrupted, polluted by sin, which brought about death,sickness,disease and all of kinds of evil. Thank God for Jesus who came as the Sacrificial Lamp of God. We were all born sinful because of the fall of man, but Jesus came to give us life eternally, our natural bodies one day will come to no longer exist,but our souls shall live on forever, with Christ eternally, if we accept the salvation Chist provided, and if not.. then to eternal damnation.
Feel assured ..you are very much loved by the true and living God..you were created in his image...his will and desire is for you to become his child. I pray you find your answers through the reading of his Holy word..written by men, fully inspired by God's Holy Spirit....there in will you find the truth of all the ages. Jesus Christ...the way, the truth, the life. John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Shelly, so happy that we are sisters in Christ.. Believing in the Lord Jesus and Knowing He saved me, is the most awsome thing. Isn't it?
I am a Baptist, so we have different doctrines.. But. we believe in the same Lord.. Hugs my friend..Hope you continue to be blessed in your revival..
Hugs, and blessings, sweet sister in Christ.
Beautifully said, Sister Shelley! Twyla
My maternal grandfather was an ordained Pentacostal Minister. God bless you as you share your faith in Jesus!
God bless you Shelley. Such a strong statement of your faith. I myself am an old Southern Baptist but my paternal grandmother was a Pentacostal minister so I'm familiar and respectful of your doctine. It is my belief too about repentence and faith in Jesus. He died for my sins, a debt I can never repay. One day, dear sister in Christ, we will meet as we bow together at the feet of Jesus. Won't that be a glorious day? Such a wonderful post!
Beautiful post Shelley...I'm blessed by the fact that even if I never meet you here on earth, I know we'll be together in Heaven one day.
Beautiful answer to 'anonymous' as well.
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