Hope your week is going good. I am at my parents home spending a few days with them. Always a good visit here with my parents. I cherish my time with them. They are both in their 80's,and I am very thankful to still have them here with me. I do know one day it won't be so...such is life as we now know it,but with our hope in Christ ..we know that there is life eternal for the redeemed of God. My mama and I managed between us to put her little four foot Christmas tree yesterday evening. She was pleased when we were finished. We hung blue balls on it,and I crocheted some light blue stars to hang on it as well. Just a simple little tree,nothing glamorous or expensive,but as I said...mama is pleased. I got some of my ways of simplicity from my mama :) Blessings dear friends
Beautiful Christmas pictures, Shelley! Very nice post. One of my best memories was walking over to my grandma's and cheering her up by putting up her little silver tree and putting on some Christmas records!
Have a wonderful time visiting! *hugs*
Have a blessed visit. I wish I could travel to see my parents this Christmas. They will turn 80 in the coming year. I like your blue color scheme, idea. We will only have a little tree this year as I gave the big fake one away. It served us well over the years, was in very good condition, but with all its separate branches I longed for a simpler - now that our children are all adults.
Have a wonderful visit with your parents.
Cherish every minute with them.
I wish my kids were that close with me.
How nice you are visiting your parents! Yes, you are lucky that you still have them. Enjoy the time with them!
Have a great time with your sweet parents, Shelley..
God bless..xo
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