Oct 24, 2011

From God's Throne comes Peace.....

I am grateful for so much in my life. But today I have a special feeling of gratitude to my Heavenly Father. Some mornings after I wake...I linger in my bed.... I pray...I read my bible...I talk to God and he talks to me. Do I hear an audible voice?...no! I feel words of inspiration rise in my heart....coming from beyond my own thoughts or meditations....like a melody playing in my soul.....I stretch past this normality and reach a Heavenly Realm  ....then words of inspiration come....I believe from God's throne....Such as these this morning........
I will lead you on to greener pastures,I will lead you on to where Living Waters flow. You will stand with me on my Holy Mountain and there you will find sweet rest for your soul. I will cast no frown upon you,when before my throne you stand. Come my Child, take my hand and I will lead you on.
They leave my heart and soul with even more gratitude than before.......I have so much in this life to be thankful for but,Oh,even so much more in my eternal life ......


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