Aug 24, 2012

Bunny Love..........

 Did I mention I have a fondness for Bunny Rabbits? I believe I did :)

Peter Rabbit has always been a favorite.....I went straight for the Beatrix Potter books on trips to the library as a little girl.
So....that is why when I saw this very cute little bunny sitting on a clearance shelf at the bible bookstore,a left over Easter decoration I am sure,...he jumped right in my little carry me basket and came home with me.

He had a rather big bow tied about his neck,but I thought it looked too springish so I cut it off.

I think he looks very content and proud that he finely found his forever home!

Just to let you in on a little secret,his body is made from Styrofoam,and I am not sure what his fur is made from,but doesn't he have a look of an old vintage bunny? I sure think so. Blessings,its the weekend again. My don't they seem to roll back around so quickly?


Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Yes, he does! How sweet!

Have a great weekend, Shelley!

Anonymous said...

They are quite adorable :)

Denise said...

Thank you Shelly!Such a nice comment :)I have a fondness for lambs and sheep.They remind Me of our Lord.I keep saying I want to decorate for Christmas one year with a lot of sheep.Have a lovely day.Love Denise

Sunny Simple Life said...

Yes I was just thinking he looked like a vintage toy bunny. So cute. I love bunnies too.

Unknown said...

I love that little rabbit, he is so cute! I had to smile when I read your post about talking about toilet paper goodness you are fun!

Thank you again for making my blog I mentioned on it, you are my rainbow friend. Somewhere over the rainbow, we will meet one day!

Hope you don't mind, I took a couple of pictures from your blog of you, so I'd have them close.