Nov 1, 2012

Country Store ,Thanksgiving and more...........

Its been a long while since I shared this book "The Country Store" Thought I would share it again for those who may not have seen it the first time. It is crock full of good things.

Some random pictures...past and present!

I passed this cute little squirrel along to a sweet blogging friend who adores them.

With November being a month to offer Thanksgiving.... I am remembering to be thankful for all things...good,bad,big,little...God is in all.We are to be thankful continually. I realize sometimes in the mist of trials to be thankful is so very,very hard,but I do believe no matter how terrible things seem or truly are...still there is always a reason to be thankful...we may have to look about us at times to focus,but will eyes of hope and gratefulness..we will see,there is always good in the world,in our lives! With the recent storm that has devastated so many in our heart and prayers go out to everyone affected. May God be with them all,give them hope,strength and Jesus name!

Stand by me
When the storms of life are raging,stand by me
When the storms of life are raging,stand by me
When world is tossing me like a ship upon the sea
Lord who rules the wind and water ,stand by me.

Go here for complete song lyrics

Blessings friends


annie said...

this is a lovely post!

marie said...

Simply beautiful post Shelley!! Love that little squirrel!!

Just Be Real said...

Shelley, wow a lot of beauty displayed in this post. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

Amrita said...

Lovely collection. Adore the sheep