Yesterday,my daughter Regina,my friend Betty and I went to a Christmas Open house(yes,already) at our favorite Antique Mall. It was delightful and exciting seeing so many wonderful antique and vintage things.
A person can get lots of ideas for display and such to take back home and use in your own house,but why is it when you get home,(at least I) seem to lose the excitement of it all. I have many of those same things I saw at the mall,so why am I getting so excited over what I am seeing there? I almost let myself purchase an old teddy bear,nothing special about him...I have one almost just like him already,but he was a good price and I thought, why not get my teddy a brother? :)
That was my self reasoning anyway :) ,but alas I put him back after carrying him around for a while. I came home,looked at my old teddy and said,don't look so sad you didn't really need a brother anyway! My only purchase from the mall was a Christmas gift for one of my kiddos. After leaving there we decided to swing by the Salvation Army... since it was just around the corner anyway! I did find a few Christmas items,but nothing too exciting! Yes, they were already putting out much Christmas stuff too!
Seems like they used to wait until after Thanksgiving. We made a stop before going home so I could get my medications from Walmart. While waiting in the line.. I listened to Christmas music(it is only Nov. 9th) blaring through the overhead speakers....Santa Claus is coming to town,Walking in a winter wonderland..on and on! I told the lady in front of me...wow,they are really reeling us in,aren't they.....spend..buy Christmas...get it while you can...it won't last forever......that is what I seem to be hearing over those very loud speakers. I am like whatever..China is shipping it daily by the tons full! I don't mean to sound like a Scrooge,and I hope you aren't thinking so. Its just I am having mixed feelings this year about the holidays. I love Christmas time,truly. I just think I am seeing it in a different light this year. That dear inner voice is whispering...keep it simple...stay true to me....don't let the world influence the truth that is in you...by his grace...and guidance...so be it Lord!
To be continued.......
The same is true here in India, with the Hindu festival saeson begining. Its just BUY-BUY BUY. A lot of our merchandise is comming from China too.
There are so many useless bargain deals and offers, one has to be careful
The same is true here in India, with the Hindu festival saeson begining. Its just BUY-BUY BUY. A lot of our merchandise is comming from China too.
There are so many useless bargain deals and offers, one has to be careful
hi friend im on a blog break january will be back please bear with me..will be a new start... blessings soraya
Hi Shelley,
I understand very well what you are saying and greatly look forward to having you continue with your post.
Love and Blessings,
Lily, WA, USA
Hey Shelley, thank you for sharing on this. Blessings.
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