Feb 11, 2012

Where there is a will.........

Picture above from Google images but,that is a great idea...smile.
Well,last night while sitting cozy in my home...the fire in the stove slowly went out...What? I said...I just put 100 gallons of propane in the tank..surly it isn't empty...I asked son #1 to go check for me and sure enough,it was empty. Guess,it was longer than I thought since the last time the propane man paid me a visit..smile.
As it turned out it was OK sleeping under the covers overnight but,there blew in a cold front and it felt frigid this morning. My son is like his mama and knows how to make do. He went out back and brought in his outdoor fish fryer that has a small 5 gallon tank attached. Not,only did it heat my humble home quickly but,he cooked our breakfast on it too. As they say "Where there is a will,there is a way". 

Son's idea.
 Just have a little faith and you can move mountains....

Be it ever so humble...its my "Home Sweet Home"

Now,I have a pot of Chicken stew cooking in the crock-pot for our dinner.The sun is shining but,45 will be the high today and 29 the low tonight. I will certainly be getting in touch with the propane man first thing Monday morning.

Blessings on your weekend


DollZandThingZ said...

Sorry to hear you ran out of fuel. Please make sure that using the fryer indoors is safe. When the power went out here in October when we had two feet of snow, many people had carbon monoxide problems due to fumes from using various kinds of grills/cookers indoors.

Earlene said...

We have propane too...it runs out when you least expect it.
I bet breakfast was good!
have a good night Shelley.

Christine said...

Hope you stay warm and cozy til Monday!

Unknown said...

Yes, yes Shelley, be careful of the carbon monoxide using that in your home, you can't smell it and it's been on the news quite a bit.

Yes, where there is a will there is a way. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt you are a true survivor with all glory, going to God. Does anyone have a space heater you could use until you get the fuel. Much safer, especially the ones with a automatic shut off. I used one in the Happy Camper all the time.

Had to get stamps, just posting a letter to you yesterday.

Patty Sumner said...

It seems you and your son worked things out! So sorry about your propane. Cover up and stay warm. Blessings!