Oct 2, 2012

Welcome Autumn....

Well,I haven't made much of a fuss over the fact that Autumn has arrived,but let me tell you now...I am very happy about that fact! The weather is cooperating as well,and feeling a bit more like Autumn should feel....the leaves are falling in the woods around me,the crows are making their call sounds,the breeze has been blowing all the wind chimes,making lovely music for me. I can hear the high school band practicing each morning from the football field while sitting on my front porch,and I also found mine and my mama's favorite fall time suckers on the store shelf...I do love this time of the year.

My Mexican Petunias are still blooming each morning...then they drop again at nightfall.....

 The Autumn Joy Sedum is blooming....

There is still lots of green in the woods,as you can see!


Anonymous said...

Hi Shelley,
Stopping by to say hello. I love Oct. It is my favorite month.

Laurel Leaf Cottage said...

Hi Shelley! It looks so pretty and foresty there!! I love the mexican petunias!! Cheers ~Deanna

Mitzi said...

We love those suckers too.
You and I have a lot in common.

Anonymous said...

all my flower are dead. :( Glad you still have some.

I'm trying to enjoy autumn this year but it's just so dry, dusty and smokey! i'm pretending it's cool, clear and invingorating instead!

Did you enjoy your time at the pumpkin farm today? wink~ wink! :)

Suzanne said...

Happy Autumn Shelley!

Anonymous said...

The colors of fall of the tree are not as bright this year as in years gone by, but some still hold the promise of sensational burst of change. The beauty of the gourds, pumpkins, fall flowers are all flashing their colors, boasting of their God given voices of fall, speaking out change in a splash of vibrant affect.

The harvest of the farmers speaks of the plenty that is not yielding, but still gives hope of the little that is there. God can speak to us at times when it seems He is silent. The dryness of this summer speaks of the spiritual dullness that seems to be spreading over this nation. In spite of this and because of God’s goodness, the meager harvest tells us that the remnant work of God is still blessing us even though we did not give Him our all.

So often we see lack and shake our fist at God, not realizing it was not His doing, but ours. How long had we not watered our soul by not seeking Him, His Word, His will? How long had we not feed our soul by turning away from Him, drying up the stream because we cut off the source? The fall colors remind be to seek Him, not cut Him off, be diligent in change.

Our nation is spiritually dry, almost to the bone. The answer is simple but not always easy on our fleshly desires to please ourselves. Turn, to God and He will water our dry land, but why are we so stubborn and so self willed. Lord bless the hearts of your people with the revival of your colors (ways) and teach us your ways.