Feb 5, 2012

~The Lord's Day~

The little Amish buggy..a gift from a very dear friend.

Have a blessed Lord's Day...I leave you with some Amish Proverbs found here.

If God is not first in our thoughts in the morning,He will be last in our thoughts all day.

Peace is seeing a sunset and knowing whom to thank.

The dearest things in life are mostly near at hand.

The right to do something isn't always the right thing to do.


Just Be Real said...

Shelley, you have that right. If God is not the first thing on our minds upon waking up, then are chances are lower going into the day in calling upon Him. Great post. Blessings.

Anonymous said...


Love that Amish quote! Thank you for sharing it with us.

marie said...

"If God is not first in our thoughts in the morning,He will be last in our thoughts all day."

Very convicting Shelley...thank you for sharing this.

Have fun puttering...it's one of my favorite tings to do!